We exist on a perfect planet in the perfect universe.
Are we just extremely lucky?
It is not hard to accept God as THE creator.



Overall, our universe is recognised as having a perfect balance of order where it is required and chaos where that is required. It is actually not hard to accept God as THE creator.

It is also clear now that the universe we have, although being a complex open and indeterministic system (suffering from unpredictable and random events), had PERFECT ‘organising principles’ engineered into it’s ‘Big Bang’ formation, indeed within its first nano seconds of creation.

A similar underlying organising principle, as explained in the previous article, also underpins the evolution of living creatures on this perfect planet of ours. Even to the extent of making sure that life itself can continue on maybe forever. Extreme complexity exists throughout all the sciences.

To all appearances, we simply are EVER SO LUCKY to actually be here on our special planet, and be just as we are! To read more on this, please access the previous article, “Life, the universe and God?”.


‘The bottom line’ is that it is very easy, for me as a believer in God’s existence, to accept that he has a direct bearing on the causation and continuation of the universe and all that it contains. And that is especially so, in light of the absolute perfection that is evident in all directions.

Yes, to appearances, everything essential to us being here has seemingly fallen together so perfectly …TOO PERFECTLY WELL … to be anything other than a ‘gift for us’! The great Muslim philosopher, Averroes came to the same conclusion during his lifetime (1126 – 1198). But yes, it is far, far more obvious now.

Is that same “fuzzy unexplainable yet unmistakable special-ness”, that I intuited during my ‘mystical experiences‘ decades ago, the root cause of the essential conditions in our universe and on this planet of ours? My choice is to believe so!

When I was an atheist, all those decades ago, I could only see reality as an expression of the “laws of cause and effect”. And the fact is that our ‘grasp on reality’ must be based on its observed behaviour, i.e. the ‘hard and fast’ laws of Newtonian physics. (Nature must also be seen as running its own course.)

However, I now know that I was fooled by my own inability and prejudice, preventing me from looking deeper. In my ‘know all’ nature, at that time, I could not even imagine that beneath reality’s surface ‘something’ unfathomable and mysterious – on which the continued existence of every sub atomic particle depends – could be present!

It took me a long while, but I eventually found the answer to the big question, “What put the universe here?” And the answer is “God!” From the Bible’s New Testament, one of many explanations there:

He is before all things,
and in him all things hold together.
[Colossians 1:17]


Inevitably, confidence in God – as the creator and sustainer of ‘all that is’ – comes from recognising his genuine presence ‘in the Church‘ and ‘our individual lives‘. As well as within the Bible’s incredible and complex contents I must add. We simply engage with him; open ourselves to him as the Bible explains. And when we do find him there, we then KNOW what caused, and still sustains, ‘all that is’.

Yes, we exist only because God exists. God is real!

If you need guidance on how to begin gathering evidence of God’s existence, that you can ‘evaluate for yourself‘, please access the section of this website titled, “Journey of faith”. It begins with the article, “How to believe in God?”. And that article explains the way forward, to a much more purposeful and contented life for each of us.

However, if you first need a better understanding of God’s nature to help you with the content of this article, or alternatively to build an overall understanding of both science and religion, then please read the article, “So, what is God?”. I am a Christian writer, and I maintain that Christianity itself ‘sits well’ with all that is written in this particular article. It tries to explain the ultimate “why’s” of creation.

The article “Christianity explained”, also available on this website, tries to provide to you the logic and beauty behind the religion itself.